Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Short hair damaged! help!?

okay, i have shoulder length hair, and i HATE it!

i wear clip in extensions everyday, but i don't want to have to wear them for the summer!

also, i've gotten the chi straightening process twice, and now my hair is damaged. i also have dyed it a lot and i straighten it more than i should.

my hair is taking a REALLLLLLY long timee to grow but it use to always grow back fast!

i want me hair to grow faster so i can get the chi out, and don't have to worry about extensions.

and i need to get it back in condition.


Short hair damaged! help!?

don't worry it will be okay.just be you and shine!

Short hair damaged! help!?

In order for your hair to grow quicker you have to trim it - yes, thats right. Trim it to get rid of split ends which damage your hair. Keep it healthy and condition after having a shower to keep it smooth.

Good luck, I am waiting for my hair to grow as well. I hate it! I heard there is a mint tea shampoo thing which helps make your hair grow quicker but I'm not too sure on that.

Short hair damaged! help!?

I would check out VO5 intensive repair treatment, then follow up with just the weekly moisturizing VO5 hot oil treatments. Try to stay away from the straightening for a while and give your hair some time to get back to normal. It's not going to happen overnight, but it will happen. As far as shampoo and conditioner--I highly recommend mane n' tail products. It should speed up your hair growth a little bit too. Hope this helps! Good luck. : )

Short hair damaged! help!?

use deep conditioning treatments and a cap then go under a hooded dryer for 15 min. once a week. any kind of protien pack would be good. Ive always liked joyco products,aquage is good too

Short hair damaged! help!?

getting rid of split ends (by trimming) and holding off on any heat treatments will help your hair repair itself and grow faster. also try shampoo/conditioners that advertise repairing or hard-to-grow-long hair...once you've done that it just takes time

Short hair damaged! help!?

well staightning your hair makes it grow slower anyway, sooo.... when you wash your hair straighten it then but try not to untill the next time you wash it.... however if you dye it too much then it will damage it even more...if you were to dye it a lighter colour you wont be able to see how gamaged it is :)

Short hair damaged! help!?


I damaged my hair so much from going blonde in the past...and attempting to do it myself.

go to a SALON...you can go to some stores that sell the salon items cheap. get the L'oreal professional it's extreme damage conditioner in a yellow screw-top jar/container. every other day leave it in for 5 mins then rinse (after shampooing of course). or ask any salon they know the most. go to an upscale salon and ask what they can do to help you...but beware of ppl just tryin to get commission sales...so go to a salon that's professional. they saved me!

Short hair damaged! help!?

Sorry, but there are no magic pills, serums, oils, shampoos, conditioners, massages, voodoo,....NOTHING that will make your hair grow faster. Those that make products that claim to make hair grow faster are laughing all the way to the bank.

Average hair growth in a healthy person is one-quarter to one-half inch per month.

If you aren't getting regular trims, then what is growing back from the roots is breaking off at the ends which makes it seem that your hair is not growing. You should have your ends trimmed every 6 to 8 weeks.

I don't think anyone needs to tell you not to have any more chemical services done on your hair (color, highlights, perms, chemical straightening). What you need is a deep conditioning treatment at least once a week and a restoring shampoo and conditioner for daily use.

The products at the link below are absolutely amazing and are the only ones I use in my salon, on my hair and recommend to my customers. When you click on this link, look for "find your Options Prescription." This will help you know which products you need to be using on your hair.

I am a licensed cosmetologist and have been for over 15 years and I specialize in hair color, hair color correction, and treating and restoring hair that is extremely damaged.

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